About Dr. Mike


Dr. Michael Brooks, AACC Board Certified BCBC Counselor, LCI Certification and AACC Board Certified BCMCLC Master Life Coach.

About Dr. Mike:

Mike utilizes his coaching skills of 25 years in the areas of Personal and Marriage Relationships, Divorce Coaching, and Professional Accountability.

Mike’s background is steeped in all kinds of endeavors: living in Europe as a child, raised in an alcoholic home, and being an Army brat. He was a college athlete, a college football coach, a corporate business owner, a health practitioner (retired), a counselor, a regular guest on radio and television shows, a writer, author, and seminar speaker. Mike has been involved with and impacted many lives across the country. Mike’s clients will tell you he is a great encourager, very compassionate, a good listener, and is goal-oriented and he gets lasting results.

“I think one of the hardest things that I have ever had to go through as an adult was when I was a health practitioner (retired), then became a patient from a serious accident,” says Mike.  “Until I was a patient, I’d never imagined the pain and struggles that my patients went through. I had to learn how to walk again after my accident. I went through months of operations and rehab. It was hard getting up and starting over each day. I think that’s where I best-expressed mercy to others…I was able to encourage others while I was going through rehab. I knew that I was making a difference in people’s lives. I wanted to make them laugh and focus on getting better. I love using humor as I work with clients. It’s medicine all by itself!”

Mike says working with all kinds of people has given him unique insights.  “I can help you dig deep into struggles that you face every day and help you see that there is a light at the end of the tunnel,” he says.  “I’ve been in your shoes, and I know that if you have someone who can walk with you each and every step, the road is much easier to travel.”

In his rehab clinic, Mike treated athletes and walk-in patients, spending lots of time with his clients while treating them. They often talked about everyday problems they were facing: bad relationships, health issues, and business decisions. Mike felt for these people and would engage in problem-solving while they were being treated for specific injuries.

That’s where his coaching began: 25 years ago with his patients. Listening to their needs, problem-solving, educating, and making a game plan that would work for them! “Going to a university will get you the skills that you need to build a foundation for your career, but sitting down face-to-face or on the phone and getting to know that person you want to help, can’t be learned in a classroom. You get that by building relationships!” Michael Brooks

Dr. Brooks has helped hundreds of clients during the most difficult times in their lives. He specializes in preventing divorce, but also helps clients rebuild their lives when a relationship ends.

As an international coach, Mike empowers clients to break out of ruts and establish healthy patterns that lead to long-term success. His clients will tell you, that he is a compassionate and understanding encourager, who achieves lasting results.

In addition to strengthening marriage and family relationships, Mike supports professionals around the globe with accountability, partnership, and seminars for success. His Accountability Partner Program helps a wide range of professionals, including athletes, doctors, and lawyers make critical choices to stay aligned with their values and goals. He is also a certified Color Code Personality Test facilitator who strengthens teams and helps individuals achieve success.

You Can call Dr. Mike on his cell number at 303.880.9878 or e-mail him at mike@applicablecoaching.com if you have any questions.