When You Hit Rock Bottom (3)

In the middle of the night I heard that voice again. “Make a plan!” I had a notebook on my nightstand and started to write down what was  on my heart. Here is the list that I came up with:

  • Make a menu that is based on healthy foods, fresh vegetables, fresh fruits, fresh baked fish and poultry, nuts and grains, and lots of water and healthy tea.
  • Rest and sleep. Have a regimented time you go to bed. Mine was at 9:30 PM, and I had two 20 minute naps during the day; one in the morning and one mid-afternoon. No TV in the bedroom.
  • Have healthy people in my life – ones who care and want to do something with their lives.
  • Exercise. When I started out I could only walk 15 minutes twice a day. The exercise was a big boost for me because I got to go outside when the weather permitted. Fresh air helped a great deal.
  • Renew my relationship with God. We started talking everyday through praying and getting back into the word again.

I have to tell you these simple steps really turned my life around. I hit rock bottom and was tired being there. My health was gone, my finances were a mess, and I couldn’t work. I started planning my next steps as to what I had to do to upright the ship. It was hard but necessary to move forward. If you’re struggling about what you need to do to regain control of your life, your family and or business just remember you can do it if you know how to plan and work out a step by step process in making changes. This will be very helpful. Yes, it takes time and energy to map out your plan, but in the long run it’s worth it.

I had watched others fail to move forward after they hit rock bottom and I wasn’t going to be one of those victims, and you shouldn’t either. Determination is very important and if you know what your plan is you’re way ahead of the game. I say plan and plan well. You can do this!

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