How Important is Your Integrity? (5) By Dr. Michael Brooks
This week we will continue on with our Integrity series and todays series we will be talking about breaking off a relationship that is going nowhere. On the other hand, if your relationship is over have enough integrity to end it. Don’t drag it out because you’re uncomfortable of being the bad person and ending the relationship. Many times someone will stop calling or avoiding talking to the other person and leave them hanging on and giving them a little hope that the relationship still has a chance. Yes, it’s uncomfortable to end a relationship, yes it hurts to tell someone that you’re moving on with your life. The sooner you tell them you feel the relationship is over the better you will feel. A person with integrity can be honest at where the relationship is headed and end it quickly.
• Be open and honest about a relationship that’s over
• Don’t hide and avoid your feelings about a relationship that you would like to end
• The longer you avoid ending a relationship the more pain you will cause the other person
• Don’t tell your friends you want to break up before you tell the person you’re involved with
“How important is your integrity.” If you have questions concerning the status of your integrity and want to know more on how to restore your integrity call Dr. Mike at 303.456.0555 Do you need help with being a person of integrity? Do you have a hard time keeping your word to family members? Is integrity an issue with you at home or in the workplace? If you answered yes to any of these questions, please give Dr. Mike a call today at 303.456.0555.
Dr. Michael Brooks is the founder of Applicable Counseling and Life Coaching Services. His services are affordable, accessible, anonymous and available by appointment from the privacy of your own home. To avoid travel time and the comfort of home, many clients prefer to meet with Dr. Mike over the phone 303.456.0555 or via Skype at drmike45. You can also connect with Dr. Mike on Facebook with sending him a Facebook request at Michael Brooks and get his daily motivational tips and insights. If you’re interested skyping with Dr. Mike send him an e-mail and let him know who you are and your skype name. The convenience of this type of coaching is the most effective means of Life counseling and life coaching. We come to you when you need us most.

Ya Cheat, Expect To Get Caught!