Facing Your Giants (7) By Dr. Michael Brooks
This is the last article in a series in, Facing Your Giants. If you enjoyed these articles, please let Dr. Mike know. He always enjoys hearing from his readers. He currently is working on his podcast for his readers. If you have any podcast show idea’s let him know.

The Giant of failed relationships can be scary!
Are you facing the giant of a failed relationship? We all have failed at a relationship at one time or another. It could have been a high school sweetheart, parents, friends, a co-worker. We all have been there. I know some people who recoil and fear about getting involved in another relationship. It may have been a bad marriage or a broken relationship with your brother or sister, or anyone for that matter. These things happen. You have to trust yourself and believe that you can make the right choices the next time you get involved with someone. The pain of losing a relationship can be difficult, and honestly sad at the same time. Maybe someone you trusted violated a private conversation, that you had with them, and you had to end the relationship. Is it possible that you ruined the relationship by something you said or something you did or didn’t do? I think the fear of facing your giant of a failed relationship can be daunting if you imagine every relationship that you enter in will fail. Take that leap of faith and believe the best in any new relationship. Work hard at learning how to communicate and read the other person. Watching what you say and learning how to listen is key to any new or growing healthy relationship.
In closing, there are many giants that we will face; it’s just a matter on how we face them, do we run and hide or take them head-on with a sound plan or bury our heads in the sand? I know there are many other giants that I have not covered in this article. If you have other giants, please let me know, let’s expose them and talk about the ones that you face.
Do you need help in overcoming the giants of your past? Do you struggle with memories of broken relationships, illness, self-worth, confidence? What are the giants that you currently face and need help in defeating them? Giants can be debilitating and keep you from enjoying life and a successful life. Call Dr. Mike, and he can help you through the process of taking your giants head on and help you to move forward with your life. Why live in a defeated and hurtful past, when you can enjoy a stress-free present and future?
Dr. Michael Brooks is the founder of Applicable Counseling and life coaching Services. It is affordable, accessible, anonymous, and available by appointment from the privacy of your home. To avoid travel time and the comfort of home, many clients prefer to meet with Dr. Mike over the phone or via Skype (if you want to Skype with Dr. Mike send him an email at mbrooks3353@gmail.com to set up an appointment). The convenience of this type of Counseling/Coaching is the most effective means of Life Coaching for those who live outside of Colorado. Give Dr. Mike a call! You’ll be glad you did!