Unexplained Behaviors Explained? (10)

Unexplained Behaviors Explained? (10)

By Dr. Michael Brooks

This week we will continue with the colorcode personality of white. Have you figured out which is your colorcode personality?

White personalities in the colorcode love peace; they are the peacemakers of all the colors. They are the diplomats and want everyone to work together peacefully. Whites don’t like petty arguments and will not get involved with or be pushed into one.

Whites can be very insecure and non-committal. One thing for sure, whites can be the hardest color to read, and you never know what they are feeling or thinking. For the most part, whites are really good-natured, and most people see that in them. Very few people will challenge or upset them because of their laid-back personalities. Whites struggle with their own self-doubt. Whites often question some of the decisions they make and are unwilling to confront others in the process. One is the issues that I have had in dealing with whites is that they are so passive, at times, you can walk all over them. How do I know this? My secondary color is white, and from past experiences, I have had people try to manipulate me. It used to drive me crazy when I allowed people to do this. More often than not, when we get dependant on someone, we seem to latch on to that person (relationship) or a business that we work at. Whites are very loyal to a fault. This can be to our detriment. Why? More often than not, when whites get into relationships, whites struggle with doing outside interests, they focus solely on that individual and miss opportunities of adding new and exciting interests.

There is something that all whites have in common, that they doubt themselves. They want acceptance and approval from the people in their lives and will often seek it in healthy and unhealthy ways. They seem to question their capabilities. The unhealthy white will seek attention and insist that people pay attention to them.

I know several white personalities in the colorcode who are incredibly patient. They don’t seem to get bothered by very much. They are tolerant of others. They can be waiting for a friend that’s late and, while waiting, will find something to do without getting upset. While others (the reds, blues and yellow personalities) will get upset, be angry, and let you know how upset they are. Whites don’t miss a thing; they are very observant. After looking at all sides of the story, that’s when they will let you know what they think. I had a client that was white in colorcode that never got upset, if the world around her was collapsing, she was not worrying about the little things in life. I do remember though, one time someone was pushing their agenda on her; it didn’t go well for that person. She was very deliberate in the way she talked with them, firm, and didn’t back down. Put a white in the corner, and they will come out fighting. They may seem passive, but they do have their boundaries.

Next week, we will continue this article on the white personality and how to enjoy this person in the colorcode. How many white personality characters do you have in your life?

Dr. Mike has Zoom classes on The Colorcode Thursdays. If you’re interested in attending this class, it’s on Thursday from 5:00 to 6:00 PM. You’ll need to send him your email address to get a link for the Zoom class. You can sit in and listen or be a participant. These classes are free.

I have used the colorcode when dealing with my clients and their needs. If you want a better marriage, the colorcode will open doors to better communication. If you are having issues at work with a co-worker or boss/management, the colorcode will open doors of understanding. If you hire or lay people off, the colorcode will give you the necessary tools for a better work environment, and better employee hires for the company.

Other Zoom classes coming up: How to Set Boundaries for yourself, your kids, and marriage. There will be a class on the 5-Love Languages, how to have better relationships with your spouse, family, and friends. If you are interested in any of these classes or have questions, send an email to mike@applicablecoaching.com or call 303.880.9878.

The Colorcode designed by Taylor Hartman is Unlike other personality tests, The Color Code not only identifies what you do but why you do it, allowing you to gain much deeper and more useful insights into what makes you and those around you tick. Each of the four colors: Red, Blue, Yellow, and White, stands for a collection of traits, strengths, and limitations. You can have one dominant color with traces of the three other colors in your colorcode personality. If you would like to take the free colorcode test and see what your primary color is, you can do so by going to colorcode.com click on the free test, once you take it, read what color your primary color is. The book is “The People Code” by Taylor Hartman, a great read and really gets into how the colors interact with each other. I highly recommend that you get this book.

Dr. Mike is a certified colorcode trainer and can help with people’s personality issues at home or in the office. Give him a call, and he can go into greater detail on how to use the colorcode in your home or the workplace. Call him at 303.880.9878

Do you feel a bit confused living or working with someone who is a white after reading today’s article and want to learn more about what motivates them? Do you need help in building up the intimacy in your relationship through the colorcode? Do you want to know more about the colorcode and how to incorporate it in your marriage or business? Do you want help in managing and understanding your color in colorcode? If you answered yes to any of these questions, you need to contact Dr. Mike and set up an appointment. Please call Dr. Mike at 303.880.9878.

Dr. Michael Brooks is the founder of Applicable Counseling and life coaching Services. It is affordable, accessible, anonymous, and available by appointment from the privacy of your home. To avoid travel time and the comfort of home, many clients prefer to meet with Dr. Mike over the phone or via Zoom (if you want to have a Zoom meeting with Dr. Mike, send him an email at mike@applicablecoaching.com to set up an appointment). The convenience of this type of Counseling/Coaching is the most effective means of Life Coaching for those who live outside of Colorado. Give Dr. Mike a call! You’ll be glad you did!

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