Be Content with Yourself (3) By Dr. Michael Brooks

Be Content with Yourself (3) By Dr. Michael Brooks

• Keep busy with others: When I am with others doing things that get me to interact with others I feel most involved in feeling alive. Develop relationships that take you out of your comfort zone. Get involved in some hobbies that you can meet healthy people and get you involved in other people’s lives. I wanted to join toastmasters because of my fear of speaking in front of groups of people. I thought it would benefit me in making new friends and being a better speaker. Work prevented me from joining this group and I hope to do it this year. If you like writing and want to join a writers group then by all means do it. That will keep you busy. Maybe you want to learn how to play a guitar, get in a group that will allow you to do that. My point is get involved socially with other people. It will help you to be content with outside activities.

• Be who you are: Be yourself, don’t be phony, or plastic. Many times we try to be someone we aren’t. Be real and be completely yourself. I say who cares what people think of you, it doesn’t really matter what anyone thinks. No one likes someone pretending to be someone they aren’t. Most of us shy away from someone like that. Look for good people that you would like to add as friends and make a point to get to know them. Many of us want good and decent friendships.

• Why worry: Content people don’t focus on the worries of the world. Keep in mind that 90% of the things you worry about never happen. Why waste your time on worrying. It’s pointless to do so. Look at the positive things going on in your life. There is so much to appreciate going on all around you.

• Have a plan: If you have an organized plan to get things done that will help you in being less stressed and content with your life. Most people that don’t plan find their lives in turmoil and disorganized. I know personally that when I plan things out for an event, or even going to the grocery store it makes it a whole lot easier for me when I get home. Try this sometime, it’s amazing how organizing your day makes the day go quicker and enjoyable.
In closing being content with your life means you have to take action and have a plan. If you have people who disrupt your life then you need to set personal boundaries to eliminate unwanted people and events out of your life. There is absolutely nothing wrong with being content with your life. Enjoying your life with family, friends, your work, and events is important for being content in your life. I think going to your home and knowing that the stressors in your life are under control are important for your peace of mind. Remember, being happy doesn’t mean you have it all. It simple means you’re thankful for all you have. Here are my easy to apply rules for being happy and content.

• Make peace with your past, so it won’t disturb your present
• What other people think of you is none of your business
• Time almost heals everything, give it time
• No one is in charge of your happiness, except you
• Don’t compare your life to others and don’t judge them, you have no idea what their journey is all about

Saving your marriage takes lots of energy!

Saving your marriage takes lots of energy!

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