Don’t Give Up on Your Marriage So Soon (2)
By Dr. Michael Brooks
This week I want to give you some tips that will help open the doors on repairing your relationship. The first step is realizing that you need to work on your marriage and admitting that you need help. There is nothing wrong to ask for someone to guide you through the turbulent waters of relationship issues. The golden rule I like to use when doing pre-marital counseling and working on your marriage, is to make sure that you:
- Communicate your needs, wants and desires well
- Listen with open ears and eyes
- Apologize often and ask for forgiveness
- Make sure that you appreciate your spouse and tell them so
- Be openly affectionate to your spouse, hold hands, walk arm in arm
- Give your spouse the attention they need from you

Avoiding talking about your issues, not good!
These are simple rules to live by and will help both of you enjoy a wonderful relationship that will last a lifetime. You both need to be committed and understand that an open and honest relationship is built on a solid foundation of love, trust, loyalty, integrity, commitment, and “I will not quit” spirit. All marriages can be hard at times, and they will have great rewards for those who are willing to roll up their sleeves and commit to making the marriage work. So many couples throw in the towel so early in the game and walk away from a reparable relationship. Some think that the grass is greener on the other side of the fence, remember this, if you water your own lawn it would be greener on your own side of the fence (meaning YOUR marriage).
What is the dark side of giving up on your marriage so soon?
- If you have children, they will see you didn’t stick it out or give it your all
- There is always a chance that the marriage will survive and become stronger
- Resentment, bitterness, and anger will become a way of life
- You will most likely go through the “what if’s,” down the road
- You will wonder why you didn’t go to counseling and see what a counselor could have done to help you
Now, we also have to look at advantages of working on your marriage, and believe me there are many. I was talking to a friend of mine this morning, and she said that people are giving up on their marriages and not working on them as they used to.
Next week we will continue giving you some thoughts on how to proceed in repairing your relationship with your spouse.
Do you feel like you want to end your marriage, but you’re not sure if it’s the right action to take? Are you considering a divorce because you can’t communicate and nothing seems right in your relationship? Do you need to be heard and feel like anything you say goes in one ear and out the other? Have you begged your spouse to get counseling or marriage coaching and it falls on deaf ears? If you answered yes to any of these questions, you need contact Dr. Mike and set up an appointment. Don’t allow loneliness to control the new experiences that you can enjoy today.
Please call Dr. Mike at 303.880.9878. He can help you. He has helped people going through tough times of deciding to end a marriage or give it one more shot.
Dr. Michael Brooks is the founder of Applicable Counseling and life coaching Services. It is affordable, accessible, anonymous and available by appointment from the privacy of your home. To avoid travel time and the comfort of home, many clients prefer to meet with Dr. Mike over the phone or via Skype (if you want to Skype with Dr. Mike send him an email at to set up an appointment). The convenience of this type of Counseling/Coaching is the most effective means of Life Coaching for those who live outside of Colorado. Give Dr. Mike a call! You’ll be glad you did!